ultrasonovomerconsequaturconiuratiocomburoMy subject is masters in Leadership and Education.The topic is - Port Folio on Indigenizing the curriculum.No word count. It will be 10-12 pages with some pictures as well.There are some resources available.Kindly...1. ZARA – CASE STUDY:For ‘Organisational Behaviour & Management, you are required to write an essay of 2,500 words (+/- 10%).For your chosen scenario, using module concepts as the basis of your analysis,...assignment detailsIT244 Unit 2 Assignment: Using Conditional LogicOutcomes addressed in this assignment:Unit Outcomes:Illustrate the use of decision structures.Use logical/relational operators to prepare...Assignment 1: Written Assignment (60% of total)Title: An exploration of a specific and local problem using the 5W&H model.Choose one of the United Nations (UN) Sustainability Development Goals (SDG)...Assessment 1: Individual Report (50% of the total marks)Chosen commodity coffee!You are asked to choose a commodity (food or other) and write a briefing note with an accompanying set of power point slides...1. Assessment Preparation: ‘Organisational Behaviour & Management, you are required to write a report of 2,000 words applying key organisational behaviour theory to a specific organisation.Before you...