Recent Question/Assignment

Assessment 1: Individual Report (50% of the total marks)
Chosen commodity coffee!
You are asked to choose a commodity (food or other) and write a briefing note with an accompanying set of power point slides (maximum of 12) for your superior (not an economist). He/she is giving a presentation on how world commodity prices (for a chosen commodity) are changing and what, if any, the connection is with the change in world oil prices. Each slide should be accompanied by notes that explain what the slides show. The report should not exceed 2500 words (slides and notes) excluding references and appendices. Your work should be submitted on Turnitin word format (NOT in power points) by the deadline.
You need to include:
1. Relevant data for the 10-year period
2. The link between commodity prices and oil prices
3. Any other factors that have impacted on the world commodity prices.
You should make use of the following economic concepts
a. Demand and supply analysis
b. Elasticity of demand and supply
c. Substitutes and compliments
• Make sure you define all concepts clearly
• Include diagrams on your slides with clear and relevant explanations
• Use a range of sources, for example, textbooks, academic journal papers, the latest economic news and data sites, and economists and specialists’ comments to support your findings, discussions, and suggestions/recommendations. Use Harvard System to properly reference your report, including both in-text referencing and end of paper reference list. Failing to do so will lead to a loss in a mark. You should upload a Microsoft Word document to Turnitin (not Power Point, as in that case your notes will be lost).